Calling on US Congress to end financial aid to Israel and to call for an immediate ceasefire

Calling on US Congress to end financial aid to Israel and to call for an immediate ceasefire

I have just finished calling my US representative and my two senators demanding that they stop all support for Israel and immediately call for a ceasefire and that my vote for them depends on this action. I encourage everyone else to do the same.

This is the script I wrote for myself and used. I encourage you to adapt and improve it yourself.

I am calling to voice my extreme disappointment and shame for the actions of both the US president and congress in their immoral and unethical support for the Zionist State of Israel and their ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. At a minimum, all aid to Israel must be stopped and an immediate ceasefire must be demanded.

I will be watching closely as to what my state senators do and know that my vote and the vote and others rides on the Senator’s actions in this matter.

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