I’m posting this entry from within my Fedora Core desktop (on my laptop, to be more precise). It successfully detected my blog via XML-RPC, so I can only assume it’s going to work. I guess you can all just leave some comments about how the formatting is. It feels kinda weird, though…I can’t even see my nice layout nor WordPress’s beautiful admin interface.
A bit of a bonus is the fact that I get spell-checking for free. Words with spelling “errors” include: blog, RPC, & WordPress’s. How ironic…
Whoo-hoo! It worked!
I neglected to mention that I was using the gnome-blog desklet for this post. Maybe I should edit that post and mention it…hmm…
i post sometimes in linux using drivel (drivel). its okay, but it doesn’t let you tag a post to multiple categories (unless there’s a newer version? the page doesn’t seem to have been updated in ages)…
do you mean a gnome-blog desklet (like for gdeslets), or do you mean the gnome-blog application, or BloGtk, or what?
often times, though, i just log in to wp and post from there..