Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Alhamdulillaah, after loading up all blog-post pages (i.e., going to the bottom of each page and clicking for the next page), I’ve fixed all old posts that had HTML errors (according to the HTML Validator Firefox plugin).
This actually is a relief for me because amongst the major reasons I enjoy using WordPress is the work the developers put into it to make it a clean & standards-compliant application. I’ve avoided themes that are not. So, alhamdulillaah, it seems that all the posts are fixed. I haven’t bothered with the pages that I’ve created, though, because I’m likely going to redo those shortly anyway, in shaaʾ Allaah.
Note: This refers to all pages that list multiple posts. Apparently there is an error, possibly in the template that I am using, when viewing individual posts or pages. *sigh* More work ahead for me, but this is, at least, progress, alhamdulillaah.
That is all.