Relocated HidayahTech

It’s been long on the to-do list, but I’ve finally relocated HidayahTech from over to my personal webspace at, blowing away just about any hint of anonymity I may have carefully accumulated over the past years.  This is the new home for HidayahTech and, as a result, I am intending on making it far more personal, not that it was so excessively business-like to begin with.  However, I will take the move as an opportunity to expand on more personal topics such as religion, society, & my personal projects.

As the move did involve database migrations, HTTP redirects, & string search-and-replace operations, if you find any glitches, please do leave a comment and let me know!  And, in case you didn’t notice, HidayahTech is sporting a new theme!  I felt it was about time to freshen things up a bit.  The old one lasted about nine months, so we’ll see just how many trimesters this one can make it through.

2 Comments to “Relocated HidayahTech”

  1. ahmed says:

    salams –
    congrats abu hurayrah! now get yourself a account and write some nice article and get them posted to digg or delicious for da3wa purposes 🙂
    wsalams 🙂

  2. Abu Hurayrah says:

    Wa `alaykumussalaam

    Alhamdulillaah, the move went rather smoothly. It’s amazing how things work when everyone agrees to follow standards. I even tried with two different feedreaders, and they both properly remapped the feed link to the new URL. mod_rewrite is amazing, maa shaa Allaah…

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