بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحد لله, Allāh has granted me tawfīq to donate to Wikipedia. I wouldn’t mention this except for the fact that I hope others, upon reading this, might give it consideration when they otherwise would not have. A donation to Wikipedia is tax-deductible, so you can save on your taxes or get…
Category: Education
Societal topics directly related to education
International Year of Astronomy 2009
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Today’s Astronomy Picture of the Day featured an announcement for the International Year of Astronomy. This alone would be noteworthy enough, but they also have a downloadable trailer (warning: contains some music, but it’s not prominent until the end). This is great for geeks, and especially video geeks like Belal & me…
Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Alhamdulillaah, though I am woefully behind in catching-up on my Planet Fedora feed, I do sometimes uncover gems in these old posts. One such post includes a link to a TED talk by Ken Robinson, “Do schools kill creativity?“. I found the video to be both enlightening as well as entertaining, as he…
Freedom is for the people
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem michael.dehaan (his spelling, not mine!) posted something that you can take or leave (I don’t want to start a flame war on my own blog): michaeldehaan.net | Popularity Contests Are So Junior High School. But what is intriguing are the ideas that develop in the comments. Please take some time and read…
Message Mastery by Belal Khan
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Alhamdulillaah, my good friend Belal Khan of Leechon Films fame has started (a while back, actually) a program called Message Mastery. You should get the full explanation from the website, but the basic gist of it is that it is a training seminar focused on developing masterful messages through the medium of…
Texas Dawah Convention 2007 Audio Project – overview
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Introduction Alhamdulillaah, a few months back, I successfully wrapped-up the audio recording & production project for the Texas Dawah Convention 2007. This was clearly one of the most ambitious projects in which I’ve been involved in my life, especially given the degree of responsibility I was given and the amount of work…
FairTest – working against standardized testing
I work at a company that is involved in providing consulting services to K-12 educational organizations (that is, schools). My officemate gets the pleasure of writing & rewriting our testing coding, which basically handles the testing & test scores of students. Therefore, it should be no surprise (or, well, at least only moderately surprising) that…