Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Last week my wife & I have decided to start our own family blog to track family’s Islamic development. As a result, I will most-likely be posting my personal- and family-related musings over there rather than here, allowing HidayahTech to remain more tech-oriented. That doesn’t mean there will be a complete dearth…
Category: Personal
Record snow in Columbus
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Subhaan Allaah! I knew that we were getting a lot of snow this weekend, but it turns out parts of Columbus received over 20 inches of snow! I’ve snapped a few pictures and I’ll take some more, so you can find them here as I upload them throughout the day, in…
(Belated) Marriage Announcement
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Putting aside for now the minor detail that it actually happened over six months ago, I just wanted to announce as far-and-wide as possible that Allaah has blessed me, Basil Mohamed Gohar, with marriage to Nor Sallsabil binti (daughter of) Abdul Razak. Our marriage took place after `Ishaa’ (evening prayer) on May…
Left: 58, Right: 41
Since testing brains seems to be all the rage amongst Fedora users, I decided to give it a go myself. Results follow.
Classic Gaming – BBS Doors/Games
Procomm Plus Terminal *beeeeeeee-tshshhhhhhh-khkhkhkkhkhkh* Connected at 9600 bps to Pyro VBBS I can only wonder how many times the above (or whatever the equivalent was…my memory is fuzzy, at best) information flashed on my family’s Casper 14-inch monitor in the early 1990s (of course, back then, it would have just been “90s”, when we were…