FairTest – working against standardized testing

I work at a company that is involved in providing consulting services to K-12 educational organizations (that is, schools). My officemate gets the pleasure of writing & rewriting our testing coding, which basically handles the testing & test scores of students.  Therefore, it should be no surprise (or, well, at least only moderately surprising) that…


Is there anything Linux can’t do (other than take over the desktop market, that is…*ducks*)? http://www.linuxbios.org/index.php/Main_Page I meant to post this a long time.  I guess I was planning on fleshing out the two lines above a bit more but I decided to go ahead & just post it anyway, just to trim down my…

Computer temperature

I’ve ordered 4 case fans from Newegg, because ever since I’ve closed-up my case (a gift from an old friend), the noise level is actually higher as the CPU fan is spinning faster to keep it cool now that it’s closed. I figure adding a few larger fans will help keep the internal temperature lower…

Andrew Tanenbaum’s website

Whilst browsing Slashdot today, I came across a post describing yet-another-computer-science debate. This one in particular is regarding the debate regarding microkernels versus monolithic kernels in operating system design. The players: Andrew Tanenbaum & Linus Torvalds. Torvalds is, of course, the original writer & maintainer of the Linux kernel, while Tanenbaum is the author of…

Continuous Integration

I came across a link to this article describing some good development practices & procedures from an announcement on the Tigris project site. I’m posting it up here so I don’t forget about it. I’ll try and offer a better write-up and/or analysis when I get some time (most likely outside of work hours). Feel…